- 3SI AmChams stand for economic growth, attracting investors’ interest, energy security, smart connectivity, and climate goals.
- AmChams and their network can bridge the gap between business and decision-makers to help investors build trust.
On July 8th, 2021 at the 2021 Three Seas Summit and Business Forum at Sofia, Bulgaria, ten AmChams from the countries of the Three Seas Initiative signed a Joint Declaration to express their support for the better infrastructure, diversified and secure energy sources and fast digitalization and innovation. The document meets the 3SI goals to build a more integrated, prosperous and secure region within the EU Single Market.
2021 AmCham 3Seas Sofia Declaration
This year’s Sofia 3SI AmChams Declaration build-up the one signed in 2019 at Ljubljana during the 4th 3SI Summit and Business Forum. The American Chambers of Commerce (AmChams) from the 3Seas region’s countries stand for the improvements in the fields of Economic growth, Greater interest among investors, Energy security, Smart connectivity, and achieving climate goals.
AmChams support the intent of the Three Seas Initiative Fund to invest in transport, energy, and digital infrastructure on the north-south axis in the Three Seas countries thus equalizing the growth potential and the differences in the development of these countries.
AmChams in 3SI Region could significantly contribute to facilitating dialogue and bridging the gap between business representatives and decision-makers to help investors build trust. Their reputation, acumen, knowledge, and network could be utilized to consult the right companies and technologies know-how and capital in focused projects.
About the Three Seas Initiative
The Three Seas Initiative includes the countries located between the Adriatic, the Baltic and the Black Seas: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
AmChams in Europe at the 2021 Three Seas Business Forum
On July 8-9, 2021, Bulgaria hosts the Three Seas Summit and Business Forum. The event was attended by a group of AmCham of Europe (ACE) representatives, incl. Ms. Ajša Vodnik, CEO, AmCham Slovenia, Vice-Chair, AmChams in Europe; Mr. Tony Housh, President, AmCham Poland, Ms. Maja Filipcheva, President, AmCham North Macedonia and Mr. Jordan Dimitrovski, Board Member, AmCham North Macedonia.
AmCham Bulgaria was represented by Petar T. Ivanov, CEO who is creator and moderator of the Digitalization Panel of the Business Forum. Olivier Marquette, President, takes part at the Energy Panel.