Talent & Education Committee

As Estonia positions itself in the region as an Innovative, IT-advanced market and technology-based economy, it is challenged to produce sufficient quantities of the highly qualified labor to meet growing demand, the aim of the Talent & Education committee is to bring together all member-companies that in their everyday business deal with labor market issues, talent attraction and retention, as well as migration issues in Estonia.

To view the AmCham Talent & Education Committee’s latest position paper please CLICK HERE

Recent Committee News:


On April 29, 2024 AmCham Talent & Education Committee sent a collective letter to the Ministry of Education  to urge them to reconsider the B2 language requirement for international school teachers in Estonia, to take effect in August 2024.

The letter was co-signed by the Foreign Investors Council in Estonia (FICE), ITL and many businesses who felt strongly about the impact of the requirement on the business climate and investor climate in the country.



AmCham Talent & Education Committee sends a letter to the Prime Minister and Riigikogu Factions regarding the topic of talent and foreign work migration. The letter was cosigned by the Foreign Investors’ Council in Estonia.

CLICK HERE to read the letter


AmCham Board, Talent &Education Committee and ITL respond to the proposed A2 language level requirement.

Click to read the letter IN ENGLISH or IN ESTONIAN

Committee Members:

  1. Megan Riley, MLR Strategies – Committee Chair
  2. Heigo Kaldra, Manpower
  3. Mati Lukas, TalTech
  4. Jekaterina Gridneva, Sakala Eragümnaasium
  5. Martin Lään, Expat Relocation
  6. Anna-Maria Nizovtseva, TalTech
  7. Erlend Sild, FranklinCovey
  8. Darja Saar, Coca-Cola HBC
  9. Colleen Slinkard, Individual Member
  10. Ian Karell, Tallinn European School