April 26 is the World Intellectual Property Day and AmCham continued with its annual tradition of holding a special event to highlight this topic in Estonia. This year’s global theme is “Innovation – improving lives”
Over 30 AmCham members and invited guests came together at Tehnopol to discuss the importance of the IP protection and its influence on the economic growth of the country.
The event was opened by Nicole Johnson, the Economic Officer, U.S. Embassy Tallinn, Estonia. Nicole stated that supporting IP protection is critical to economic development as Estonia has a rather vibrant innovation sector. “A strong IP system is a critical factor in promoting a modern, knowledge-based economy. Effective IP rules and enforcement support innovation with up to one-third of all U.S. jobs, and a fast growing number in Estonia as well, being based on IP-intensive industries”– commented earlier US Ambassador to Estonia Jim Melville.
Nicole’s introductory speech was followed by a panel discussion that was moderated by Yrjo Ojasaar and featured Kai Härmand from the Ministry of Justice, Sigrid Rajalo from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Pawan Dutt from TTÜ, Indrek Laul from Estonia Piano Factory and Jaanus Tamm from Defendec.
“It is essential to have unified rules and implementation of these rules: unified patent court, trademark reform for European and national trademarks. These two aspects are already happening! “ – said Kai Härmand, Ministry of Justice.
Sigrid Rajalo stated “From the Government’s perspective it is important to evaluate the IP as part of the company’s overall development, as most of the Western European countries do it!”
Indrek Laul supported the need of a trademark protection by stating that “For traditional manufacturing companies trademark is extremely important as we compete globally”.
Jaanus Tamm recommended to all companies to first of all find out, if
the planned product is even innovative or if anyone on the market has
already created and patented something similar. “When you become successful and go global, you better be protected! IP is important!” – Jaanus said. When it came to the recommendations Pawan Dutt said – “Government can stimulate IP & Patents by giving price incentives and innovation vouchers.”
the end of the panel discussion Maris Leemets, the Chair of AmCham IP
Committee thanked everyone for coming and participating and confirmed
that our committee will present the White Paper to the related
Ministries and Government and will continue the work on improving the
We would like to thank EIPTTC for supporting this event and Tehnopol for hosting it! A huge thank you to all our panelists and Yrjö for the wonderful discussion!
Photos by Sergei Krasii, Fotki Inc. for AmCham Estonia (c)
To view the full event album, please CLICK HERE!