On October 17, AmCham Healthcare Committee came together for its 3rd meeting at the COBALT Offices. This time the committee discussed the possible updates on the white paper and already had some great ideas that can be used as the proposals during the planned round-table meeting with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
At the meeting, the following people participated:
- Kadri Mägi, Roche Eesti OÜ
- Konstantin Rebrov, Merck Sharp & Dohme OÜ
- Taimi Alas, U.S. Embassy Tallinn
- Chris Ellermaa, Eli Lilly
- Kea Kapsta, Pfizer
- Daria Sivovol, AmCham Estonia
- Maria Romanjuta-Kuuspu, AmCham Estonia
The meeting agenda included:
- Updates on the Position paper
- Deciding on next steps and actions: a possible round-table meeting with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Social Affairs in November/December
- Involving other healthcare sectors

During the meeting, the Position paper of the Healthcare Committee of AmCham Denmark was presented and taken as an example to go further with collecting an existing data on Estonia`s current situation and using it to make prudent statements and proposals in the Position paper. Also a possibility of having a joint event with the representative of the Healthcare Committee of AmCham EU was discussed. The committee distributed the existing tasks amongst its members to finalize the Position paper and make the next step which would be the round-table meeting with the decision makers in the beginning of December.
A big thank you to COBALT Offices for hosting the meeting and of course a special thank you to all the Committee members for their participation!