Charter Gold Masterclass with Georg Merilo

February 10, 2023 | 14:30 ‒ 16:30

On February 10, AmCham Charter Gold members gathered for the  Negotiation Masterclass with Georg Merilo. Georg provided participants with  an interactive 2-hour workshop on the Art of Negotiations “Where is the Gold Standard of Negotiations in 2023 – Estonian lessons“.

Workshop Participants got to learn about the main stages of the negotiation process, as well as participate in a simulation negotiation game based on a real life situation.

Georg Merilo (1971) is Estonian negotiator, founder of Georg Merilo School of Negotiation. His clients include Alas-Kuul, Estonian Bar Association, Cleveron, Helmes, Nortal, Playtech etc. He is a visiting lecturer in University of Tartu, Estonian Business School and in TalTech as well as the Äripäev Academy. His dream is to make the discipline of negotiations available for all students – so far 35 schools have run his courses with remarkable popularity among youngsters. Since 2020 he has conducted annual Negotiation Summer School with more than 1500 attendants.

We would like to sincerely thank Georg for sharing his expertise and his time.


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