SEPT 18: AmCham Healthcare Forum 2024

September 18, 2024 | 09:00 ‒ 12:30

The 8th Annual Healthcare Forum, organized by AmCham Estonia, took place on September 18, 2024, at Fotografiska, bringing together over 80 participants from a variety of industries, all committed to addressing one critical challenge: how to sustainably fund Estonian healthcare for the long term. With its focus on resilience and innovation, the forum sparked thoughtful discussions, actionable insights, and collaboration between local and international healthcare leaders.

This year’s forum was skillfully moderated by Hanno Püttsepp, VP of the AmCham Healthcare Committee and a representative from Amgen, whose leadership set the tone for a productive day. The keynote speeches were delivered by prominent European figures: Richard Bergström, VP of IQVIA, and Janko Burgar from Roche Slovenia. Both shared insights from across Europe, with Burgar highlighting Slovenia’s best practices, offering useful parallels and learnings for Estonia’s healthcare system.

The event’s program was carefully structured to foster interaction and collaboration. The participants engaged in the World Café method—a dynamic, round-table format focused on seven key healthcare topics. This allowed for in-depth discussion and tangible ideas, which were later shared on stage by the table moderators. The approach successfully brought diverse voices to the fore, making the conversation both practical and forward-looking.

The Estonian Minister of Health, Riina Sikkut, contributed a significant keynote address, offering her vision for Estonia’s healthcare future. Following her address, the forum moved into an expert panel titled “The Way Forward,” moderated by Andreas Kaju from META Advisory. Panelists included key players such as PERH’s head Agris Peedu, Estonian Health Insurance Fund Chairman Rain Laane, Minister Riina Sikkut, along with industry leaders Richard Bergström and Niilo Färkkilä from Amgen Finland.

The panel discussion was both lively and informative, with participants sharing a variety of strategies for making healthcare in Estonia more sustainable. Rain Laane summed up the event’s spirit with a fitting quote: “When there is will, there is a way.” His words underscored the optimism and drive felt throughout the day as various stakeholders came together to brainstorm pathways forward for Estonian healthcare.

Special thanks were extended to the AmCham Healthcare Committee and its dedicated working group, whose tireless efforts ensured the event’s success. External guest speakers, local policymakers, and table moderators were also acknowledged for their vital contributions in shaping meaningful dialogue.

The event was made possible through the generous support of numerous sponsors. Platinum sponsors included AstraZeneca, Roche, and Novartis, while Gold sponsors Pfizer, Medtronic, MSD, Amgen, and IQVIA, Silver sponsor Johnson & Johnson, and Bronze sponsor Sorainen Law Firm also played pivotal roles in elevating the forum’s caliber.

Overall, the AmCham 8th Annual Healthcare Forum succeeded in bringing key stakeholders together to address Estonia’s healthcare challenges with an eye toward practical solutions, collaboration, and innovation. It was a highly engaging event, fostering critical conversations about the future of healthcare funding and sustainability in Estonia.