September 18, 2019 | 17:00 ‒ 18:30

On September 18, we have co-hosted our traditional September networking mixer together with members of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry! This time, we gathered at the amazing Tallinn Design House to network, catch up on the latest news and to hear about the success stories of the Estonian designers here, in Estonia and abroad! That was such an inspiring time! Thank you, everyone, for joining! We hope that you’ve made some new useful connections and got encouraged by hearing about the accomplishments of the local fashion and design industry professionals!

A huge thank you to KODA and Piret Potisepp for the amazing cooperation when putting this event together! Of course, we would also like to thank the Tallinn Design House, Kadri Karma and Anu Lõhmus for hosting the event and giving us a sneak peek into the world of fashion! We would also like to thank the event sponsors – our member Florida Natural for the fresh juices and BeMore and Haage for the drinks and snacks! And of course, it was a pleasure to see you all! Thank you for joining!

Event photos by Sergei Krasii, for AmCham Estonia