On June 2, 2022, AmCham Estonia and our Charter Gold Member Estravel joined together for the Morning Workshop ”Traveling in Today’s World”. During this hour and a half meeting, Estravel’s CEO Anne Samlik gave an excellent overview of the current situation in the tourism sector: what’s going on with the hotel and airplane ticket prices, how it’s still important to check each country’s restrictions before traveling, why insurance is a must, and many more. She also spoke about the situation in the airports, and what is essential to keep in mind when flying.
What we learned from the meeting is that we can see definitely a trend that prices will be higher and people have started traveling again, and will not be lower any time soon.
They also mentioned that Estravel will be celebrating its 35 years in Estonia next year. She spoke about their history and how Estravel is doing. Anne also shared their experience with the pandemic situation, and how did they manage the work with their people during those difficult times, it was really interesting to hear about their excellent managing skills.
We really want to thank Anne and Estravel team for sharing their knowledge, and experiences and giving us an overview of the current trends! Also, we want to thank Estravel for sponsoring the meeting with a light breakfast and coffee!
Also huge thank you to all the members that joined the roundtable and were really actively engaged during the meeting!