AmCham WIL Series: C-Level Women in Tech

November 14, 2017 | ‒

On Tuesday, November 14, AmCham members and guests gathered at the spectacular Telia Eesti house for another event in the WIL series, this time devoted to women in tech. As it has already become a tradition, the interest was huge and the event was totally sold out within a couple of weeks. The session was opened by Henriette Wendt, Senior Vice President of Telia, who in her speech shared her personal story and encouraged women to have faith  in themselves and pursue their dreams.

Actually,  having faith in yourself – was the  idea that our two speakers were very passionate about- Agnes Roos (CIO, Eesti Energia) also pointed out the importance of being open to new challenges and giving an opportunity a try, as well as once presenting yourself – the importance of focusing on your achievements, not on your failures. Kirke Saar (CTO, Telia Eesti) in her turn empasized the significance of choosing career you love and being really good at what you do.

After the panel all the participants had a chance to mingle and enjoy the delicious lunch, followed by an impressive tour of Telia Eesti house.

And we would like to finish this review with 4 testimonials from Agnes Roos:

1. Forget “You are not good enough..” and believe in yourself.
2. Make sure you have the support of your family and don’t be afraid to ask for help at home.
3. Balance your personal and professional life.
4. Help & encourage other women.

We would like to thank all the participants for joining  us for this inspirational session! Also, we would like to thank our dear board member Kathleen Naglee for moderating the event and Telia Eesti for being such a wonderful host, we enjoyed the event to the most!

Photos by Sergei Krasii, Fotki inc.for AmCham Estonia (c).
