AmCham Digital Society Committee presents its position paper on “Digital Resilience”

On May 24, AmCham Digital Society Committee (DSC) released their new position paper on Digital Resilience. This policy paper was authored by the members of  the AmCham DSC comprising of various American, Estonian and International IT companies operating in Estonia. 

The committee members believe that digital technologies have the potential to solve some of society’s most difficult challenges, such as climate change and healthcare, and foster the birth, development and growth of new ventures that will create and finance the future of Estonia. 

As a Digital Frontrunner, Estonia has a good chance to reap the benefits of digitization, however it requires that Estonia continues to drive an ambitious national agenda on digitization, innovation and entrepreneurship. But since Estonia is a small and export driven country, it’s success largely also depends on the EU’s ability to develop a positive policy agenda that promotes open economy, free trade, digital innovation and transatlantic relations and that avoids protectionism and harmful regulation. 

The DSC Committee believes that the themes outlined in this paper can serve as important background for many of the ongoing conversations on the future of digital development in Estonia and the EU and we urge Estonia to continue to use its role as a digital leader and soft power to push for a positive agenda, including by working closely with partners and like-minded countries.